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What's your Adaptability Intelligence?


Adaptability is the new competitive advantage

The key to your success in new career and business ventures is your ability to adapt and thrive. 

Adaptability is the capacity to adjust thoughts and behaviors in order to effectively respond to uncertainty and change. It's the ability to focus when facing obstacles, to shift your mindset when negativity sets in, and your ability to let go of what is holding you back. In this new world of VUCA work (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), equipping yourself with the ability to adapt gives you a substantial advantage. AQai is an evidence-backed methodology for measuring and improving your adaptability

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Amy Lewis Coaching is a certified AQai Partner. 

What is AQai?

AQ stands for Adaptability Quotient. Just like IQ measures cognitive intelligence, EQ measures emotional intelligence, AQ measures your ability to effectively adapt to change. AQai is an AI-powered platform to help people, teams and organizations thrive in an increasingly uncertain world. 

The need for adaptation as a skill has never been greater

  • The World Economic Forum reports that 40% of jobs that exist today will not exist in 10 years

  • McKinsey reports that 375 million people may have to switch jobs and learn new skills 

  • LinkedIn 2017-2019 Work Trends Reports showed Adaptability within the top 5 most important skills needed to succeed in today's workplace. (Others include Creativity, Persuasion, Collaboration and Time Management)

What drives adaptation?

Have you ever wondered why does one person change and adapt quickly on their own terms and another person struggle to adjust remaining fixated on the past? The team of organizational psychologists and behavioral scientists at AQai have spent the last 6 years looking for the answers to this question. 

They discovered 17 scientifically valid measures of Adaptability. The ACE Model organizes these measures into 3 categories:

(1) Abilities - these can be developed through training and coaching

(2) Character Traits - these are more static but can be malleable with awareness and coaching

(3) Environmental Factors -  these can be improved at an organizational level 

AQme is a 25-minute assessment led by an AI chat bot that measures your adaptability using the ACE model. 
Your results will measure your Adaptability against global benchmarks

View Adaptability across your entire organization

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